A New Way of Course Creation

Wile there was some magic in spending our nights creating, editing, and distributing courses - we are happy to introduce our Courses-as-Code concept that allows for effective, targeted, and easy to maintain courses.

The Facts on Legacy Course Creation

Online courses were a revolution. They allowed knowledge to be distributed at mass scale. We loved being part of it but there were some significant downsides:

Time Consuming

It takes an experienced course creator about 30 hours to create one hour of quality courses.

Too Generic

By nature, Massive Online Learning Courses need to be generic to appeal to a large audience.

Hard to Maintain

Every time there are updates to a course, everything has to be re-recorded and re-published.

Courses-as-Code Explained

Below an example of our Course-as-Code concept at work. Everything in this video is AI-generated and the information is pulled from our Course-as-Code database.

How It Works

  • Courses-as-Code database
    Our proprietary courses-as-code database contains all the base content needed to create excellent online course. Here we store all diagrams, quotes, codebases, videos, prompts, and reference material that serves as the core for the courses.

  • Your industry expertise
    However, excellent content is not enough. A primary requirements for an engaging course is context. And there is no-one that can provide this context better than you, an industry expert that has the trust and ear of your audience. Industry-specific examples, certain pitfalls, but also simply the same acronyms and language that is common in the industry will help to create a better learning experience for all.

  • Combining high-quality delivery with industry context
    With your industry knowledge and our background in course creation, we let the AI-component of the Courses-as-Code concept work its magic. We'll combine your AI avatar with an additional AI teacher, providing the right balance between worldwide best practices and your specific niche in insights.

  • Courses your audience will love
    In the end, the model will create a fully tailored course that will appeal to your audience that will help them to reach their professional by combining your industry subject matter expertise with our world-class course delivery methods.

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